Dispatches from the Margins features blogs from LRC staff and invited experts that tease out issues in the environment and indigenous peoples’ rights nexus.

Evacuees in their own land:
An indigenous people's struggle for recognition in the Bangsamoro
As the Bangsamoro edges closer to the realization of its autonomy in central Mindanao, the Teduray and Lambangian indigenous peoples are in danger of becoming a 'minority within a minority'. In this blog, we examine the complex terrain of what's been called the land of promise.
In this video editorial, we examine the economic drivers of epidemics – and propose new ways of organizing the economy to keep viruses at bay and usher in a more sustainable and equitable future.

Indigenous cultures hold secret to shaping
post-COVID-19 world
As the world scrambles for a vaccine to fight off COVID-19, we turn to indigenous cultures to find out what they might teach us about healing a broken relationship that is at the root of epidemics.

Mining as a women's issue
This article discusses gender issues related to mining as well as makes concrete proposals for anchoring a legislative bill on mining (the Alternative Minerals
Management bill) in the language of gender justice.

When climate change
becomes a crime: Ecocide and climate accountability
Climate solutions are proving inadequate for the climate emergency, leading to the criminological understanding of climate change: the crime of ecocide.
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